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Boards & Commissions | Page 3

The Boards and Commissions of the City of Seward are listed alphabetically below.  Agendas and minutes, upcoming meetings and names of current board members can be found by clicking on the link for that particular board or commission. Click on a board and/or commission to find out more information.

City Boards, Commissions & Committees

City Partnerships – Council Representatives

E911 Board  

Jessica Kolterman, John Singleton

Seward Foundation  

Tatum Tonniges, Karl Miller

Seward/Saline Solid Waste Agency

John Singleton

Housing Appeals Board

The Housing Appeals Board shall consist of five members appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation of the Council. One member shall be appointed to serve one year, two members to serve two years, and two members to serve three years. This Board shall act by majority vote of members present. Said Board shall have the power and be required to hold public hearings in deciding appeals where it is alleged there is an error in law or fact in any order or decision of the Housing Enforcing Official.

Board Members

Brad Bowen
Mike Langner
Dorothy Marshall

Kathy Hartman
Katrina Goldsmith

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.

Housing Authority Board

The Housing Authority Board consists of five members who serve a five-year term. The Housing Authority’s mission is to provide safe, clean, affordable housing for low-income elderly and disabled. The Seward Housing Authority owns and operates the Manor Apartments which offer Project-Based Section 8 rental assistance under the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Board Members

Gary Fett
Katie Stolze
Wanda Lewis

Brad Perdue
Mike Klintworth

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.

LB840 Sales Tax Application Review Board

Learn more about the LB840 Program.

The Economic Development Program shall have an Application Review Board, which shall consist of six (6) residents of the City who shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council and serve for terms of 3 years each; provided that such appointees shall be appointed in such fashion that their terms shall be staggered, and two ( 2) members of the City Council, appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Persons appointed and serving on the Application Review Board shall serve without compensation, and shall be held harmless for any and all actions in carrying out their responsibilities and goodwill. The City Administrator shall serve as an ex -officio member of the Application Review Board. This board meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at 5:30p.m.

Board Members

Megan Kahler (Council Member)
Karl Miller (Council Member)

Pat Coldiron
Trish Johnson (Resident)

John Owens
Kevin Sagehorn (Resident)
Kurth Brashear
Ann Underwood

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.

Library Board

The Library Board consists of five members who serve a four-year term. The City Administrator or his/her designee serves as an ex-officio member of the Board. The Board sets policies for the Seward Memorial Library which is free for the use of all City of Seward residents. Board members meet the 1st Wednesday of every month at 8a.m. in the Seward Memorial Library.

Board Members

Stephanie Croston, Secretary
Bob Dahms
Juanita Hill, Chair
Nancy Lamberty

Dr. Jerrald Pfabe
Council Liaison – Jessica Kolterman
Council Liaison – Rich Wergin

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.



Parks and Recreation Board

The Parks and Recreation Board consists of nine members who serve a three-year term. The City Administrator or his/her designee serves as an ex-officio member of the Board. The Board makes recommendations regarding recreation program planning and fees, and shall study and promote needs for park and recreation facility improvements. The board meets the 1st Monday of Jan., Apr, July and Oct. at 5:30p.m. in the Municipal Building.

Board Members

Tasha Osten
Randy Chapp, President
Amy Harms
Jon Burhoop
Lacey Koch, Vice President

Molly Bargmann, Secretary
Jim Placke
Brett Wobken
Kenneth Schmieding
Council Liaison – Matt Stryson
Council Liaison – Tatum Tonniges 


Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.



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