Boards & Commissions | Page 2
The Boards and Commissions of the City of Seward are listed alphabetically below. Agendas and minutes, upcoming meetings and names of current board members can be found by clicking on the link for that particular board or commission. Click on a board and/or commission to find out more information.
City Boards, Commissions & Committees
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City Partnerships – Council Representatives
E911 Board  
Jessica Kolterman, John Singleton
Seward County Chamber and Development Partnership 
Megan Kahler
Seward Foundation  
Tatum Tonniges, Karl Miller
Seward/Saline Solid Waste Agency
John Singleton
Civic Center Commission
The Civic Center Commission consists of seven members who serve a three-year term. The Commission administers, manages and operates the Civic Center. The Commission makes and adopts plans for the physical development of a Civic Center Complex in cooperation with all interested City departments, including a capital improvement program which, in the Commission’s judgment, best carries out the intent and purpose of the Last Will and Testament and Testamentary Trust of Jessie T. Langworthy. The members meet the 2nd Monday of Sept., Nov., Jan., Mar., May & July at 5p.m. in the Civic Center.
Commission Members
Rick Endicott, Chair
Sandy Wright, Secretary
Mark Suhr
Doug Gremel
Mark Kolterman
Council Liaison – Megan Kahler
Council Liaison – John Singleton
Upcoming Meetings
Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission consists of five members who serve a five-year term. Commissioners must be citizens of the United States, Seward residents for at least three years immediately preceding such appointment, and electors of the County wherein they reside. At the time of any appointment, not more than three members of the Commission, including the one or ones to be appointed, shall be registered electors of the same political party.
The Commission is responsible for the examination process used to determine the relative qualifications of applicants who seek employment in the police department in order to establish an eligibility list for the Mayor to use in the hiring process. The meetings are held every 4th Wednesday every quarter (Mar., June, Sept. & Dec.).
Commission Members
Frank Daley Jr.
Jessica Dominy
Stacey Par
Upcoming Meetings
Electrician’s Board
The Electrician’s Board meets as needed and consists of 4 members including the Electric & Power Resource Director and the Building/Zoning & Code Enforcement Director.
Board Members
Tim Dworak
Mike Langner
Cory Mueller
Larry Ruether
Upcoming Meetings
General Employee’s Pension Committee
There shall be one representative from each of the following City departments on the General Employee’s Retirement Plan Committee: City Hall Administration, Park/Cemetery/Recreation, Building Inspection/Public Facilities/Civic Center/Senior Center, Street, Electric, Water/Wastewater, and Library on said Committee. Each representative must be a full-time employee currently participating in the City’ s General Employee’s Retirement Plan. The Committee shall meet at least annually, or more often as deemed necessary for the purpose of, but not limited to: selecting an array of appropriate investment options; monitoring investment options; monitoring the activities of prudent experts; documenting the investment review process and decisions; and to develop and review an Investment Policy Statement.
Committee Members
Derek Bargmann, City Clerk
Jared Hans (2023)
Alan Cihal (2019)
Erin Wiseman (2023)
Gary Janicek (2019)
Mark Lintt, Chair (2022)
Emily Klenke (2023)
Joe Starkey, Secretary (2022)