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Boards & Commissions | Page 1

The Boards and Commissions of the City of Seward are listed alphabetically below.  Agendas and minutes, upcoming meetings and names of current board members can be found by clicking on the link for that particular board or commission. Click on a board and/or commission to find out more information.

City Boards, Commissions & Committees

City Partnerships – Council Representatives

E911 Board  

Jessica Kolterman, John Singleton

Seward Foundation  

Tatum Tonniges, Karl Miller

Seward/Saline Solid Waste Agency

John Singleton

Aging Services Commission

The Aging Services Commission consists of 9 members who serve a two-year term and can only serve two consecutive terms. One councilmember shall serve as an ex-officio member. The Commission develops the organizational and financial support within the community to ensure long-term stability and continuity of the aging services program by the utilization of all federal and state grants and funding available, and fees and assessments from the participants of the program. The members meet the 2nd Tuesday of Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. and Nov. at 1p.m. in the Lied Senior Center.

Commission Members

Maureen Nabor
Julie Cox, Chair
Jo Ann Hoffman 
Patricia Bruenger, Secretary
Janet Odvody

Cheryl Zumpfe, Vice Chair
Edward Zak
Renee Larsen
Tatum Tonniges (Council Member)

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.



Airport Authority

The Airport Authority Board consists of five members elected to serve a six-year term. The board is responsible for all facilities owned by the City for the purpose of aviation operation, air navigation, and air safety operation. The members meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 5:30p.m.

Authority Members

Erich Helge
Ken Norseen
Mark Rolfsmeyer

Marvin Siefert, Chair
Alan Weigle

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.

CDBG Application Review Board

Community Development Block Grant

Board Members

Pat Coldiron
Trish Johnson
Jeremy Tonniges
Cory Mueller

John Owens
Ann Underwood
Zane Francescato (Council Member)

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.

Cemetery Board

The Cemetery Board consists of six members who serve a three-year term. The City Administrator or his/her designee serves as an ex-officio member of the Board. The Board is responsible for the general operation and care of the Municipal Cemetery. The members meet quarterly (Mar., June, Sept. Dec.) the 1st Monday at 5p.m. in the Seward Cemetery. View information about the three City-owned cemeteries in Seward.

Board Members

Greg “Jerry” Meyer
Clark Koehler, Secretary
Ben Hughes
Lynn Brumm

Jeff Volzke, Chair
Brad Perdue
Council Liaison – Zane Francescato

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.



Citizens Advisory Review Committee

The Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, shall appoint a Citizens Advisory Review committee of 5 members, which committee will report to the City Council on its findings and suggestions with regard to the functioning and progress of the Economic Development Plan. The City Administrator of Seward, Nebraska, shall as Program Administrator, serve as an ex-officio member of this committee. The committee shall be appointed and organized pursuant to the Economic Development Plan and the requirements of Section 18- 2715 R.R S. 1997, as it may be amended from time to time. All members shall be registered voters of the City of Seward. No member shall be an elected or appointed city official, an  employee of the City, a participant in a decision- making position regarding expenditures of the Plan funds, an official or employee of any financial institution participating directly in the Plan or any qualifying business receiving assistance. At least one member shall have experience or expertise in business finance or accounting. The Citizens Advisory Review committee shall report to the City Council at intervals of no less than six months at a public hearing called for that purpose. This committee meets in February and in August.

Committee Members

Justin Hartman
Wade Miller
Stan Obermueller, Chair

Curt Sherman
Matt Dominy

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events.



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