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Seward Volunteer Fire Department

Seward Volunteer Fire Department

  • Personal Information & Military Service
  • Employment Information
  • Background Information
  • Driving Record
  • Education
  • Experience & Training
  • References
  • Availability
  • Agreement
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Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Seward Volunteer Fire Department. We are a proud department and have a long history of serving the citizens of the City of Seward and Seward County. We provide fire protection and suppression, rescue, and emergency care, and promote fire prevention for our community and surrounding communities. We do this by staying active and attending scheduled meetings, completing countless hours of training both in-house and at other locations for fire and rescue, educating the community with fire prevention open houses, and participating in other functions that require our services.

The process of becoming a member of the Seward Fire Department is quite simple. Our membership requirements are outlined in more detail in our by-laws, but here are the highlights:

  1. Must be between the ages of 19 & 65.
  2. Must possess a valid Nebraska driver’s license.
  3. Must live or work in Seward Fire’s Rescue or Fire districts.
  4. Must be of good moral character.
  5. Record that is clear of felonies or chronic drug abuse.
  6. Cannot have been convicted of the following: arson, a registered sex offender, assaults, possession, or distribution of illegal substances.

Fill out the application below in its entirety and return it to City Hall along with a copy of your driver's license, or you may bring it to the Fire Station for consideration by the Board of Control. For a paper copy, please click here for a paper application and bring to City Hall at 537 Main Street, Seward, Nebraska. Let me know if you have any questions about this.

A copy of the Seward Fire Department by-laws will be sent to you after your application has been submitted. These must be read in their entirety before any membership is voted on. You are welcome to

come to the station at any time, introduce yourself to other Seward Fire/Rescue Department members, and become familiar with the station and our members. Our monthly meetings, which are open to the public, are the first Wednesday of each month, and our normal training nights are the third Wednesday of each month.

After your application is received, you will be contacted by our secretary to arrange an interview time with the Board of Control.

On behalf of the Seward Volunteer Fire Department and its members, we look forward to meeting you and thank you for your consideration in joining our proud department.

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