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ReLeaf Tree Planting

ReLeaf Tree Planting

The City of Seward ReLeaf Tree Planting Program was implemented to help citizens purchase quality trees for planting along streets. The Tree Board takes applications for the planting of select 6 to 10 foot tree species. After the application is approved and the tree is planted, the City reimburses property owners for half the cost of the tree (up to $150).

Annual Arbor Day Program

Each April the Seward GFWC Women’s Club sponsors an Arbor Day program with fourth graders from Seward schools. During the program the Mayor speaks, the Arbor Day Proclamation is signed, and awards are given for the Friend of Trees and the My Favorite Tree Drawing. A tree is also planted in a different location around Seward each year as part of the program. In the past trees have been planted at the Concordia Arboretum, the Civic Center, the Courthouse, Harvest Hall, Independence Landing, Plum Creek Park and the Schools.

Tree FAQ

: ;How often should I water my trees?
: ;Is it necessary to paint tree wounds?
: ;Should I have my tree topped?
: ;Should I keep grass from growing around the trunk of my newly planted tree?

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